Geboortecentrum Zaanstad is a midwifery and ultrasound practice owned by midwives Ismay Brekelmans en Marijke Hagelaars-Dekker.


We consciously choose to start a small three-woman practice with a renewed and fresh take on midwife care. This enables us to have maximum attention to the needs of future parents. We are there for you as medical professionals and healthcare provider. Experience shows us that this method of providing healthcare contributes to a positive experience for pregnant women. The care that pregnant women experience is warm, trusting, accessible, equal and fitted to personal needs of the couple. We know the importance of every pregnancy!

Loving, enthusiastic, engaging, personal, considering, and quality are our guidelines to provide the right care for you. Of course based on the latest research and insights.

Quality assurance


All midwifes that work for Geboortecentrum Zaanstad, are associated with the quality labels like the KvK, BIG registered,  and signed up in the Quality Register for midwives. Our ultrasound scan operator is registered in the Quality Register for ultrasound scan operators (BEN). These connections and registrations keeps everybody up-to-date of new developments and enable us to follow regular seminars, courses and further training.



With maternity leaf from 27th of May untill 16th of September


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We have two fixed observers at our practice to complete our team: Femke Lensink and Janine Vermeulen-Land. Due to the small scale of our team of midwives, we’re able to realise personal care during busy periods, illness or absence due to courses, further training and vacations. This also enables our medical care to always be at the professional level by dividing the workload between us. You always want to have a midwife’s care full of energy.

During Ismay’s maternity leave and during the holiday period, Tjeerd will also strengthen our team.


You can meet with all the midwives obervers during you pregnancy if you like, so that she won’t be a stranger during the delivery. All three are just as enthusiastic and driven by personal contacts like Ismay and Marijke.


If you have any questions about our observations, please let us know.



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unnamed (1)


(Replacement for Ismay’s maternity leave)


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Practice assistants



Soon more info.

Foto Celeste



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Ultrasound Scan Professional


Our Ultrasound Scan Professionals are certified for all medical pregnancy ultrasounds that we offer at the practice and are signed up in the Quality Register for Ultrasound Professionals. (BEN)

Internship Guidance


Midwives in training are the future! We find it important that our knowledge and skills are being taught and transferred to the coming generations to ensure the quality and uniqueness of the Dutch Childbirth medical care. To accompany students at our practice creates many benefits for both themselves, us and our clients, by teaching them the value of patience and attention. Due to their influx, we will be even better informed about the latest developments in our field and our clients will have the continuing company and care from driven students who can help when we have other small business to attend to.


They’ll be able to perform certain tasks, depending on the school year of the student. This must always be done under the supervision of one of the midwives and with your consent. Please notify us if at any moment during the pregnancy you wish students not to be present during check ups or the delivery.


Please check our socials (facebook/instagram) for our students

Complaints Procedure


We will do everything we can to keep you satisfied about our consultancy and care. However, it can still occur that there might be an issue or problem. We gladly receive feedback about our performance and happily engage in conversations about improvements or complains.


If after a conversation about the issue you are still unsatisfied and wish to submit the complain to a third party, we can refer you to the Geschilleninstantie Verloskunde.